[ICBA Global Event 2024]

[ICBA Global Event 2024]

Another great ICBA global event in Houston, TX this year.
📢 Raise your hands for ICBA 🙌

🌎 Over 55 members from 33 countries represented
💪 10 workshops organized
👍 “More than just brokers”

Thanks to all for the participation and good exchanges.
Also sincere thanks to our sponsors [Allianz Trade, Coface, Atradius] and speaker [Bondaval].

Keep going and let’s meet next year!

#morethanjustbrokers hashtag#international hashtag#creditinsurance


ICBA Global Event 2023

[ICBA Global Event 2023]
End of 3 days of meetings and great moment of exchange for the ICBA association !

In summary :
🌎 over 40 countries represented
🔗 70 partner members of our trade-credit association
💪 6 workshops organized
🙌 United under our new signature: “More than just brokers”
… And almost 200 people gathered around an exceptional evening to bring together our entire industry 🚀
Thanks to all our partners, insurers, speakers, and contributors present in this event !
We kindly thank our sponsors [Atradius ; Allianz Trade ; Coface ; AIG; Markel ; URIOS, spécialiste de la performance du BFR] for enabling this great event.

Can’t wait for next year !!
#morethanjustbrokers #creditinsurance #tradecredit #morethanjustbrokers #event #international #partner



台灣將從2026年至2035年陸續開放離岸風電第三階段區塊開發15GW的發電容量,目前尚有許多潛在風險及議題需要進一步的探討及研究。有鑑於此,利德保險經紀人 / 利德國際管理顧問公司偕同協合國際法律事務所、KPMG、台灣金融研訓院及台灣綠能協會,與來自歐洲的風電風險管理專家McGill and Partners共同籌畫此「三階離岸風電關鍵議題研討會」。




